“After teaching my Tango Feet technique workshops for over 5 years I realized that the most difficult part of learning for me was to develop consistency and guidance in the work in order for my students to achieve their goals and progress rapidly. It wasn’t enough to just show up to a class once a week, take a private once in a while and practice at the milongas and practicas. The key to one’s growth is ongoing personal development. This is why I have created this progressive online tutorial that will help guide you through your practice and the elements which I beleive to be essential to acquire as a foundation. Every episode will tackle a different theme that we will explore and practice in depth.
This series of episodes will give you the opportunity to develop and challenge yourself, all the while gaining consistency in the work.
The online video training gives you the freedom to schedule your practice at a time that fits your schedule or from whatever location you choose. This is the best way to get consistent and reach you goal.
1.50/50 is the key
2. Body alignment, weight distribution and stamina
3. The secret of the side step and its variations
4. Picture perfect cross
5. Introducing yourself; walking forwards
6. Moving backwards is just an illusion: walking backwards
7. Three to tango: the orchestra always comes first
8. The melody versus the rhythm: how, why, when and where
9. Change of direction and cuts
10. The many different ochos
11. Changing direction and cortados
12. Turns: simple technique for molinetes
13. Feet technique: taps and circles
14. Heel & toe adornments
15. Melodic ornaments & combinations
16. Rhythmic ornaments & combinations
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"Two years later I am still reviewing Faye's online classes.No better way to practice your technique over and over again soon your own time until it feels just right. I highly recommend thisonline training course!"
"I purchased Faye’s Ladies Tango Feet series of videos knowing that her excellent and clear instruction would bring my level of dancing to the next level. From reinforcing the basics, to beautiful follower embellishments, I was not disappointed. The videos are excellent! What I love most is that I am able to review her lessons over and over again, so that I can continue to perfect my dance. Faye is a beautiful and elegant dancer. I look to her as someone I aspire to dance like in the world of tango."