The directors

Bryant Roberto Lopez
Bryant grew up in Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he was raised in the Argentine folk music and dance tradition. After folk dancing for 5 years, he discovered Argentine Tango at the age of 19 and has immersed himself in that dance ever since. Growing up in milongas such as Club Almagro, he learned to dance by watching the master milongueros. His dancing is distinguished by the elegant walk and soft embrace that he believes is the stamp of a true Argentine Tango dancer. Teaching through the connection, like the masters, has been his best tool in helping his students develop and assimilate the culture of Argentine Tango at Tango Soul.

Faye Lopez
Faye has danced all her life. Starting ballet at the age of two, she has spent most her life on a stage or in a dance studio. She has a rich background in the performing arts. Upon graduating from the Montreal’s elite school of music, Vincent d'Indy, she did a stint at New York University’s renowned affiliate CAP-21, then completed her training at the Randolph Academy for the Performing Arts in Toronto. Faye was introduced to Tango in 2000 and has become one of Canada's leading exponents of traditional Argentine Tango. She has been influenced the most by Bryant Lopez, Fabian Peralta, Virginia Pandolfi, Carlos and Rosa Perez, Carlos and Maria Rivarola, Graciela Gonzalez, Roberto Herrera and Vanina Bilous.
Affiliate Teachers

Alon Gilin
Alon has been with Tango Soul for the past 9 years training with Bryant Roberto Lopez and Faye Lavin. He has competed and performed in many demos all around the world such as Chinese Taipei, Singapore, Columbia, all over Europe, and all over the United States of America. Mostly of a background of the Ballroom style, he also studied and completed the Claude Watson program of Ballet, Modern, and Contemporary. He is currently teaching at Tango Soul.

Gérard Derminasyan
Gérard étudie la danse depuis l’âge de 18 ans : il a acquis sa formation tout d’abord en danse classique, pour ensuite poursuivre avec la danse sportive, le flamenco et le tango argentin, sa véritable passion. Depuis 2002, il se consacre exclusivement au tango argentin, tant sous sa forme classique « tango-salon » [A1] En 2006 et 2007, il se perfectionne à Buenos Aires, en Argentine, auprès de plusieurs maîtres, dont Fabian Peralta, Carlos Perez, Cristina Cortes , Julio Balmaceda, Fernando Galera, Carolina Bonaventura, Francisco Forquera.